
We have all had jobs that we have loved and we have all had jobs that we didn’t like so much. But the important thing is finding a positive Work Life Balance. A balance that will allow you the opportunity to love your job and more importantly, spend quality time with your family.

At a previous job, my hours were awful. I never knew 100% sure when I was leaving. I was always stressed out.  My blood pressure was out of control. I knew that I needed a change, for a lot of reasons, but most importantly, I knew that if I was going to be a good father, I needed to be in a different job. I needed a work life balance.

I was one of the lucky ones that was able to switch jobs in the beginning of the downturn 3 years ago in our economy and not only switch jobs, but advance in my career.  And one of the things that really attracted me to this new job was the work life balance and the emphasis that was placed on families coming first. I could not be the father that I am today, had I not switched jobs when I did. And for that, I will forever will be grateful for what I have and the job that I have.


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Growing up as a child, I remember watching Mister Rogers on PBS. And I always felt as though he was talking to just me. He had such a calming effect and the life lessons that I learned then, still apply today.

I remember this one episode in particular, because it was the first time that I had ever seen a child in a wheelchair. And the thing that I took away from it, was that Jeffery was no different than anyone else. He was special just the way that he was. He would not be able to do the same things that other children could, but that he was still a good kid.

And then while do some searches on Youtube for Mister Rogers, I came across this video of Mister Rogers and Jeff being reunited. Please take a moment and watch this video.

I hate that my boys will not grow up watching Mister Rogers as I did as a child.  But I hope that I can share with them and teach them some of the important life lessons that he taught me and the rest of his neighbors. Take a minute to visit his website and see how the legacy of Mister Rogers lives on today.

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Some where along the way in the last 2 years, I have changed and changed in a good way. Things that I could once watch and listen to on the radio can spark an emotion in me that I have never experienced.

For years I have listened to the music of Christian artist Mark Schultz and he has three songs that just get me every time that I hear them.  Tonight though, I want to focus on He’s My Son. Here is the story behind the song and I think that you’ll understand why it gets me:

Mark Schultz wrote this song about a family dealing with their son’s cancer when he was a youth minister at a church in Nashville, Tennessee. It was inspired by the grieving of a couple in his church, whose son had been diagnosed with leukemia. Shultz observed the struggles of the mother and father. He explained in CCM Top 100 Greatest Songs In Christian Music: “Louise often stayed up with (Martin) until he fell asleep. She would rub his back and try to comfort him, but she felt helpless. Some nights, John would wake up and walk down the hall to Martin’s room and watch him sleep. As he stood there, he would try to imagine what life would be like without his son.”
Schultz added that he “tried for several months to write a song for John and Louise, but nothing seemed to capture what they were going through. I couldn’t begin to understand the depth of pain John and Louise faced every day – but God did.” He then went on to explain that eventually “the only thing I had to do with this song is that I just happened to be there when God sat it in my lap.” – Source: Song Facts

You see, my wife and I have been blessed beyond belief.  We have two very healthy and active boys. No matter how my day goes, I can walk into the room and they can change the course of my day.  I can do something that not all parents can do, I can hug my sons and kiss them goodnight.  I can lay in the floor and let them crawl all on me. I can chase them around the room or let them chase me. And I can do all of these things, every single day. And there are father’s that are out there that would give anything to do those things.

And as I watch Mark’s song, He’s My Son, it just hits me even harder how lucky we are, because I don’t know what I would do if I got the news that my son had Leukemia or some other disease?  I cringe at the thought. I cry for those that do have to deal with this realness every day.  And I hope that if I am every faced with something like this, that I can remember this song, because at the end of the day, He’s My Son and I would love my child and pray every day for them to be healed. I would pray that I could take their illness on instead of them. And I would remind myself, that as a Christian, I’m Still HIS Son and that

Please take a moment to watch He’s My Son by Mark Schultz, it is life changing for parents.

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Do you ever stop and wonder how your life could have turned out differently if things would have happened another way?

Do you ever wonder what life would have been like, if the girl in 6th grade had not broken your heart?

Do you ever wonder what life would have been like if you had gone to a different college or gone to a different bar on New Years?

Do you ever wonder what life would have been like if your parents had not gotten divorced?

Do you ever wonder what life would have been like if your loved one had not died?

You can what if your life away and you can wonder how things would have been different. But would you really want them to be different?

I can not imagine my life any other way, ok, if I won the lottery, then that would be cool, but I would still have my wife and boys.

Do you ever wonder?

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I am often asked what the hardest part about raising twins and I don’t know the answer? I don’t, because I don’t know any different. The boys are so different, which I love. One loves to be off by himself and figure out blocks and stacking and putting shaped blocks into the container, over and over again. The other, wants to be right in the middle of everything and doesn’t want to miss a thing.

Last week, one of the boys was up coughing at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep.  So he and I went down and slept on the sofa. Was that hard? Absolutely. It isn’t comfortable sitting up and sleeping, but it helped him sleep. It helped him be comfortable and not coughing. And I got to hold my son. I got to watch him sleep. I got to hear his first words of the day, as he whispered Dad when he realized that I was holding his hand.

Hardest part of raising twins? No clue? I am loving every minute of it.

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Some times in life, you have to fall off the grid and that is exactly what I am doing. Every year, I try to do something for me and that is taking time off. Taking time off to evaluate where I am today, where I want to go tomorrow.

One of my closest friends is a psychologist and he has always said, you have to take care of yourself first and foremost, because if you do not, no one else will.

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Every now and then, you just need a day off. A day off from life. A day off from work. A day off to recharge. Or for me, a day off to play with the boys.

As we get closer to Christmas, and still thinking back to last weeks events in Connecticut, I just needed a day off. Yes, I had a few errands to run, a few Christmas presents left to buy. But, I really just wanted to stay at home for the day and hang out with the boys. Because the thing that I am realizing, is that even though I get to teach and show them new things everyday, they are doing the same to for me too.

They are showing me what unconditional love really is all about. They are showing me that, yes, they are depending on me to feed them and change them, but that I am depending on them too. I love spending time with those two little guys. Playing with their toys, throwing them up in the air, wrestling on the floor. I love watching their expressions when they figure something out for the first time.

Some times in life, we just need a day off. A day off to play with the kids. Show them that they are important. Take them to a game. Watch a movie. Play. I think that yesterday taught me a lot. I think that it showed me that in this crazy thing we call life, we have to slow down and enjoy our time together.

And sometimes, that means, taking a day off.

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Today as I read the news about the Connecticut school shooting, I am incredibly sadden and hurt for all of those involved. The students and faculty that were innocently murdered by a someone. As a parent, I am terrified that one day, I will be sending my children to school and that this could happen where they attend.  So, as I read the news, a few thoughts came to mind:

To the parents of the school kids, there are no words. There is no comfort that can be given. There is no way to change today. I only hope and pray that in time, the pain will subside a little. No parent ever thinks that they are sending their children to school to enter harms way. School should be a safe harbor, a place to learn and grow and be a kid.

And to the parents of the shooter, they will forever live with this pain and sorrow, knowing that their son did this. A pain that no parent should ever burden.

Today, we as a country mourn the Connecticut school shooting and we pray that together a community, that you will overcome this tragedy.  I leave you with these verses that maybe, at some point, that some sense can be made out of this senseless and selfish act.

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”’

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Today marked one of the busiest shopping days of the year, Black Friday. And then Monday is Cyber Monday and at some time soon there is the Shop Small, which encourages shoppers to shop local.

Shopping has gotten out of hand. It use to be that Black Friday started in the morning, usually around 9 or 10am for stores to open. Now, we have stores opening up at 10pm on Thanksgiving night, just to get the leg up on other stores that are opening at Midnight. Here is an idea, let’s put the focus back on the family and not on shopping.

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I am seeing a lot of people that are posting their 30 days of Thanksgiving for the month of November on Facebook. And it got me wondering, what are you thankful for?  And shouldn’t we be thankful all year and not just 1 month?

So today, I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for a great job. A roof over my head. And the ability to help others in need.

But, I am also thankful for this song:

So today, as you eat too much. Plan your shopping purchases for the next day or wake up from afternoon nap, just remember how fortunate we are to live in the greatest country in the world.

Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours.

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