
Where to begin? Seems like a loaded question, yet a statement that has been used a lot recently when explaining the last 4 months.

I was going to start with virtual school for the boys, but let’s skip that for another day. And instead, let’s touch on my wife’s first surgery and then in another post, probably next week, the discovery of the brain tumor.

Three months ago, my wife had a scheduled procedure, which we thought was going to be routine and in 6 weeks, would be 100% healed and better than ever. But, that was not meant to be.

My wife woke up from her procedure in recovery with severe shoulder pain. Now, for the record and without going into the procedure, her surgery had NOTHING to do with her shoulder, not even close. She was told to give it time.

7 days later, she is getting an MRI and being told that her should was dislocated and then the MRI revealed other issues too.

So a quick recap, my wife went in for a surgery, that wasn’t related to her shoulder, yet comes out with major shoulder problems. The shoulder issue was so bad, that she had to be seen by orthopedic that repaired my shoulder last year and surgery was scheduled.

And with that, when people ask about her shoulder, we usually start with, “where to begin?”

Everyone has been left asking the same question, “what happened to her shoulder?” And short answer, we don’t know. We don’t know what happened. Seems strange, but that we just don’t know.

Next up, the discovery of my wife’s brain tumor and how we found gratitude through all of this.

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According to the pediatrician, strep has been running wild lately. And of course, Boy B got it.

This is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that he has gotten strep and this time, there was more concern. His pediatrician thought that his tonsils had an abscess on them, which if it had ruptured, we could have been faced with a serious issue.

After 2 Dr visits and several types of medications, we were able to see a difference in less than 24 hours hours. Praise the Lord, because the alternative could be have been emergency surgery.

So as I look outside and watch the snow fall, I am grateful for his pediatrician and his new ENT. Both have called and followed up and have been on top of his care.

I think that we are partially out of the woods for now, but he will be having his tonsils taken out this summer and that alone scares me.

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The date is finally coming up and no, I’m not referring to the ACC Basketball Tournament. Though, I did schedule out my vasectomy with that in mind. There is only 1 time a year that I can imagine laying on the sofa all weekend and this is it.

I was asked by a few friends if I was scared or was having second thoughts and I just couldn’t imagine answering the question in any other way. No, I’m not scared and no I’m not having any second thoughts. The reality is very simple, it is safer, easier and cheaper if I have this surgery than my wife having anything done. And besides, she carried not 1 but 2 babies around for over 8 months, so this is the least that I can do.

But at the same time, I’m not going to lie and say that I’m not looking to a few days off my feet. Though I will do some light cooking on Saturday or Sunday, I’ll be limited. Not so much because of pain or discomfort from what I’m told, but more just not over doing it. And when I had my consult with the Doctor, who was awesome by the way. Great sense of humor is a key thing for me in a physician, but when you work with enough of them like I do, you understand why it is important. It sounds like the time from start to finish is 15 minutes and the pain is the same as a bee sting.

Oh, the best part, “homework”. That’s right, sex with my wife 15 – 20 times or 2 months, whichever comes first (no jokes here kids). What a great reason to have a lot of sex! And as I shared with one of my best friends, it is going to cost me more out of pocket to not have anymore kids than it did for them to be born. Obviously I’m excluding IUI, IVF, etc. and all the other stuff. I’m only simply talking hospital time.

So, I’m a few days out now from having the procedure and in a sad and twisted way, I’m looking forward to it. More to come.

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We had our first parent teacher conference this year with the boys, to just get a status update for their first year of Kindergarten.  The conference was beyond eye opening and really beneficial, in hearing about the boys progress from both boys. But, the one glaring thing was that I see myself in Boy B. And it was really eye opening.

As a child and probably even more today, I needed/need structure in my day. I needed to know my schedule, as I do today. And when my schedule at home is changed today, it throws me off and sometimes, it throws me off big time. And as the teacher talked about Boy B and how he was having a hard time when the routine changed and when his schedule changed, it threw him. And all I kept thinking was, “I see myself in him.” And since that night, I’ve seen more things that I were subtle, but now appear to be not so subtle.

Growing up, when I would get frustrated, I would have to run. I would run around the house or wherever we were. But, I also got in trouble a lot too because of my frustration. I made a decision the day that the boys were put into my arms, that I wouldn’t discipline the boys, the way that I was. I wouldn’t react, but instead I would listen and try to reason, whenever possible.  And one thing that I was able to figure out, is that when I reason with Boy B and I get down to his level and point to my nose, he can snap out of his frustrations.

So as the teacher and I were talking about my childhood and the similarities became really clear, it became really oblivious that we were going to need some additional help.  The fact is, from an academic stand point, he is off the charts. He understands, remembers, comprehends, etc at or above expectations, but his outburst due to changes is holding him back. Funny, my mom said the same thing about me when I was his age, the difference was that I wasn’t a twin and they didn’t have names for disorders like they do today. And understand, I am not a Doctor nor do I pretend to be one, but I think that we know what we are dealing with and no, it isn’t Autism or anything like that. But whatever it is that we are dealing with, it is a mild case.

So, if all goes well, we will be seeing the Pediatrician next week in hopes to get some more answers, so that we can get him the tools that he needs. Because as I laid in bed the night after the conference, I kept saying how much I see myself in him and how I don’t want him to struggle with some of the things that I have, because of my inability to transition with changes to my schedule.



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Hearing is something that most of take for granted. Hearing sounds for the first time or a new sound, is just a fleeting thought.

But for this little boy and his family, hearing is became really important, because for the first time, their son could hear.
Take a moment and watch this YouTube video – there are a few gross scenes, so turn your head.

But seeing that moment, when the little boy heard his father for the first time is just an amazing this.

I take for granted so many things, like hearing or seeing, but through a medical break through, their lives are forever changed.

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