Hardest Part

I am often asked what the hardest part about raising twins and I don’t know the answer? I don’t, because I don’t know any different. The boys are so different, which I love. One loves to be off by himself and figure out blocks and stacking and putting shaped blocks into the container, over and over again. The other, wants to be right in the middle of everything and doesn’t want to miss a thing.

Last week, one of the boys was up coughing at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep.  So he and I went down and slept on the sofa. Was that hard? Absolutely. It isn’t comfortable sitting up and sleeping, but it helped him sleep. It helped him be comfortable and not coughing. And I got to hold my son. I got to watch him sleep. I got to hear his first words of the day, as he whispered Dad when he realized that I was holding his hand.

Hardest part of raising twins? No clue? I am loving every minute of it.