Upcoming School Year

The answer was finally made in regards to the upcoming school year and I don’t think for one minute, anyone was shocked. And to be honest, not only was the right decision I am just more frustrated that it took this long to come to the decision.

Starting the upcoming school year online isn’t ideal, but it has to be done. Telling the kids that they were starting, at least online, was met with both excitement and also reservation. But there was reservation on behalf of my wife and I.

The reality is, last years online school year was a disaster. There were so many issues with the technology and also the in ability to have the teachers actually teach to their classes. This year, that will be different.

This year, it seems like teachers will be able to provide instruction to the classes. And as we continue to the go through the COVID-19 pandemic, the early recommendations right now are only the first semester being at home. But my guess is that the entire school year will be completed online.

Yes, there are parents that are going to struggle with this due to work. But, there is a lot of value in being able to contain the kids and keep them safe. Right now, as long as an online option is available for second semester as well, we will be having the boys complete their school year online.

Ideal, no? But, our jobs have shifted online and have allowed us with the flexibility to both work and will be able to answer questions and assist the boys with their school work.