Online School

2020 online school has been very interesting to say the least. Our kids will be online until at least January of 2021, if not the entire school year.

The school board, in my opinion took the most logical and safest approaches in how they decided to have kids return to school. The interesting thing for me, as a working at home parent, is that the kids are seeming to adapt easier to online school over parents that are working at home. The reality is, this isn’t easy.

This entire process isn’t easy for the parents trying to have conference calls or the kids that are trying to learn online. None of this is easy nor is it easy to even explain to the kids, as to why they are having to do all of this. But, the reality, in my opinion, is that this was the safest approaches.

We are in the first few weeks or online school and yes, there have been some bumps in the road. There was a outage of Schoology, but the teachers had a plan B in place and they pivoted to Google Classroom.

I really believe that we will all come out of this much stronger as a country. That our society will come out better. That companies will realize the benefit of working at home and a strong work life balance. But our kids will come out stronger and able to adapt even faster. And, for my kids, new life skills.