This Christmas Season

This Christmas season has been a little different this year and honestly, I’m glad.

I really wanted to do something different this year, because it just seemed right. I felt that our lives have been in a state of influx for the last year. Between the multiple surgeries that my wife has had, to include a brain tumor, we are still living through the COVID-19 pandemic and just life.

My wife for years had been asking to have the house outlined in Christmas lights, nothing crazy, just white lights. So, I was able to surprise her and had a company come out take care of that.

Then as we discussed Christmas presents for the boys, I wanted to go all out. I wanted to out do last years gift giving, not only for our children but also for those in need. This year, we made it a point to go out and purchase gifts for Toys for Tots as well as other charities.

This Christmas has been filled with emotions of joy to an unknown. But as I remind my boys, try to find the good, in the hardest and worst situations.

The pandemic has been really hard, especially on kids and I am grateful that we have been able to provide a sense of normalcy to an uncertain time. My son’s were able to get their first COVID vaccine, the boys have been in school the entire year and both have been able to not only see friends and play sports, but also begin working out at a fitness gym on a regular basis.

My hope and prayer that for each of you reading this, that this Christmas season be one filed will joy and family.