Life Is Not Fair

This really seems like a no brainer, but the reality is this, life is not fair! It just is not fair and the sooner that we realize this, the better off that we will be.

That being said, the reality is the exact opposite. People often look at others and compare what they have or do not have to someone else. Like snowflakes, no two people or situations are alike. And I feel that I am having to say this a lot to my sons.

Recently, one of the boys was telling me all of the things that they perceived were wrong and here are a few and in no particular order:

  • Covid-19 and how it has effected not being able to see friends.
  • Their mother has cancer.
  • Baseball and soccer were cut short last year.

And the list went on further, but you get the idea.

So I tried to validate their feelings, but then I challenged them to find the good in each one of those negatives, to find the positives.

It was then they realized that life is not fair, but they also discovered that even though they had some tough things going on, they also had some good things going on too.

We talked talked about the importance of trying to find the good, even when it seemed to be really hard, because there is always someone that is having a harder day or time than we are in this moment. I do not want to take away their feelings, in fact I want to encourage them to share their thoughts, feelings, concerns and know that I take them seriously. But I do want them to realize that life is not fair, but we can CHOOSE to make the best of the life that we have been given.

We as a family are still navigating life with my wife’s brain cancer diagnosis, as we live our lives in 3 – 4 month increments and not knowing if there will be another seizure or when her tumor will return. We see friends and family taking trips, making plans for their future and we just do not know what our future looks like? None of us really do.

But today, we are grateful that we all woke up, that the sun was up and out and that we will make the most of we have today.