Old McDonald

Almost every night before the boys go to sleep, my wife will sing to them and the songs vary every night. Lately, she has been singing Old McDonald and encouraging the boys to say what animals and the sounds that the animals make. Usually, the boys just sit and smile and call out names when asked. Well, this past Friday while we were driving, Baby A out of the blue started singing Old McDonald. Well, it was his version of Old McDonald, but never the less, it was close.

My wife loves to sing, as did her mom, so to hear one of her children sit and sing Old McDonald definitely moved her to tears.  Over the course of the weekend, I was able to actually capture Baby A singing and I have to say, I’ve never smiled so much. It was so innocent and sweet and he was so proud as he sang.

Old McDonald had a farm, ewww ooooo ewwww ewwww ooo. Or that is at least how Baby A sings it.