Not Guilty

George Zimmerman was found not guilty. Not guilty. A jury voted to find him not guilty.

You can look at this case in so many ways. And regardless of what you believe, at the end of the day, 2 things remain true:

1) Mr. Martin is dead and his parents will have to leave the rest of their lives knowing that there son is no longer here. And that he was more importantly, he was taken way too soon.
2) Mr. Zimmerman will have to live the rest of his life knowing that he took the life of Mr. Martin.

I am a firm believer that as individuals, we are all entitled to our own beliefs and those beliefs should be respected. And that being said, regardless of what view you take in this case, a young man’s life was ended.

I am not a lawyer. I am not someone that has followed this case as closely as others. I can only look at this from the stand point of a parent and tonight, Mr. Martin’s parent’s mourn the loss of their son, again.

Tonight, Mr. Zimmerman is found not guilty. I just hope and pray, that those in the state of Florida, know and respect the verdict and avoid any further violence.