Misplaced Texan

Have you seen this bumper sticker?

Misplaced Texan Bumper Sticker
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That is how I feel. In fact, most mornings, I wake up singing Pat Green‘s song Texas On My Mind, esp starting with the line: I woke up this morning with Texas on my mind. So, a disclaimer, I am not from Texas, but I got there as quickly as I could.  Do I regret leaving Texas? Nope, because had I stayed, I would not have my sons. Do I wish that we would move back, absolutely. In fact, everyday, I think about moving back  and everyday these lyrics run through my mind:

I woke up this morning
Texas on my mind
Thinking about my friends there

Maybe one day? But until that day comes, I am just a Misplaced Texan living on the east coast.