It Is Just A Game

This morning, the sports world woke to the news that the Baltimore Ravens WR Torrey Smith was dealt with the news that his younger brother had died from a horrible motorcycle accident.  Fans in Baltimore were asking if he was going to play tonight and at the end of the day, it is just a game. But some how, Torrey Smith was able to play tonight. And not only did he play tonight, he was the difference tonight.

Torrey posted the following tweet this morning:

“I can’t believe my little brother is gone,” Smith wrote on his Twitter account Sunday morning. “Be thankful for your loved ones and tell them you love them. .. This is the hardest thing ever.”

Tonight, before the game, I told my wife that Torrey Smith would be the difference tonight. He was the difference, because tonight, it is just a game.  As he goes through the next few days, his focus on his family, as it should, because when the Ravens step on the field Thursday night, it is just a game.  My heart and prayers go out to Torrey Smith and his family tonight and in the days to come.  His family will deal with this for a lifetime, missing their family member.  But for a few hours tonight, Torrey was able to put life on hold, because tonight, it is just a game, but now, he deals with the loss of his little brother.

I came across this video of Torrey Smith tonight for The Living Legacy Foundation:

Torrey, tonight, I say this little prayer for you and your family and it comes from Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you

and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine upon you

and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you

and give you peace.”’