Writing a book

A few weeks ago, I mentioned to a friend that I was considering writing a book. I wasn’t sure on what, but I just had this feeling, that maybe it was in my future.

Now, for those that read this and know me well, know that writing isn’t my strongest gift! In fact, I have to have co-workers read emails before I send them to certain executives at work. That being said, tonight, might have changed my mind on this book idea. 

Tonight, my son struggled going to bed. And struggled might not even be the right word. He got up every 5 minutes, said a bad word, wanted to argue, etc. But somewhere in the conversation, he asked to meditate.

See, this is the part that I laugh, because a few weeks ago, I started doing a 21 Day Calm Challenge on the calm app, which has been a great starting point for me to learn the importance of meditation. But learning the foundation of meditation, has given me a chance to learn new ways to control myself and my feelings, but to help my son when he is struggling.

So tonight at bed time, he asked if we could meditate, which I was fine with. But I also got our puppy, who we have nicknamed our emotional support animal. But as she laid beside my son, he slowly started to pet her and the more he did, the more I realized that there is a story here. A story for other parents.

I learn new things daily about ADHD. The importance of meditation. The importance of eating certain types of food. The need to have a set and structured scheduled. Exercise. Downtime. And the list goes on and on. But what I realized even more, is that this could be useful information for other parents.

This could be a way to help someone else, someone that has no clue what ADHD is and/or what it means for their child. And the funny that that as I even write this down, I hate writing. And the thought of putting together thoughts and ideas for a book, makes me cringe. But, if I can help one parent, it would be worth it.

So here goes. It might take years. I might never happen. But I am writing a book.