Worry Stones

It is amazing what you can remember some days, but when I was a kid, my mom bought me a worry stone and I was allowed to use it when I felt anxious. Well, Boy B has talked a lot lately about feeling anxious and it hit me this morning after walking him to the bus, why not try a worry stone.

So while drinking another cup of coffee this morning, I thought that I would do a few quick searches and see if I could come up with a way to make my own worry stones for the boys, because then they could color them and really make them their own. Besides, my mother gave me a worry stone that was a rock and I just see that going through a window or against his brother’s head. So, here are some great resource that I found this morning, not just for the worry stone, but also for other things that can be made at home if you have anxious children.

The School Counseling Files – The Mind Jar idea and Fidget tools were awesome and will probably be made this weekend here. I’ve been having the boys to draw and color when they are frustrated or upset and use that as a way to deflect their anger.

Behavioral Interventions – Here is the worry stone that we are going to make this weekend. And I have a feeling that the boys are going to love doing this. Not only from the texture stand point, but being able to color and personalize their own worry stones.

Pinterest – what doesn’t Pinterest have?

Creative Elementary School Counselor – Here is another blog post about worry stones and how to make them at home.

I hope that these resources will be of assistance and once we finish the boys worry stones this weekend, I will post a photo of the final product and hopefully report back that some of these things have helped calm Boy B down a little and helped with his anxiety.