Waitin’ On A Woman

You really should not laugh at your kids, but sometimes, they just say things that are really funny and at a point in time where you just need a laugh. So, there is a back story here.

Most Sunday mornings, the boys and I are ready for church within about 20 – 25 minutes and we get ready and head off to the van and wait. We wait for my wife and sometimes, it takes a while, a long while.  And I’m not complaining, but 20 – 30 min waiting sometimes does get frustrating. So a month or two ago, I was in a quick witting mood and cued up the song Waitin’ On A Woman (see below) by Brad Paisley and as my wife got in the van, the boys and I sang along with Brad. She would give me the even look, the boys would laugh and we would bump fists and off to church we go.

Well, this was done several times, usually before church and then I had forgotten about it. So last night, the boys and I read our night time story from Winnie The Pooh and as they were getting settled down, Boy B looked out the window for his mom and asked where she was? I started my reply of “She is at work….” and before I could say that she would be home soon, Boy A chimed in that we were just Waitin’ On A Woman. And it was at that moment that I lost it. I laughed so hard until I cried, literally.

The reality is very simple, every guy has spent time Waitin’ On A Woman and I might as well teach the boys a solid life lesson now while they are young, because they too will be waiting one day. But, if you get the right girl, then Waitin’ On A Woman is worth it.