Tough Night

Tonight was a tough night. It seemed like literally within 5 minutes, if it could have gone wrong, it did.

  • The gate(s) that we have in the house for the boys, both broke.
  • The boys were not listening very well tonight.
  • I got a letter from the state showing my wife’s license plate where she was speeding in a work zone. More money down the drain.
  • The nanny made a few comments that I wasn’t very pleased with.
  • The boys would not sit still to eat dinner, instead they wanted to run and play.
  • The boys did not want to pick up their toys, so I have to do that now.
  • Baby B decided to pee on the floor and not in the toilet.

Tonight, was a tough night. I got hit with a lot within a very short amount of time and that is after a very long day. I got the boys fed, upstairs, quiet, relaxed and in bed within less than 30 minutes. I poured a beer, heated a pork roast that I made yesterday in the crock pot and some red potatoes that I made and did I mention that I poured a much needed beer?

But tonight, even though it was a tough night, in 1 quick act of kindness from my son that made all of the things today, seem non existent. Baby B laid down beside me on the floor, which is not uncommon for him, as I held his brother’s hand, he simply whispered “kiss” and then gave me a kiss and then gave me an Eskimo kiss. And then he fell asleep. Just like that, today, tonight, the things that frustrated me, they all went away.