Things That I’ve Learned

Each day, we learn something new. A new route to take to work. A computer shortcut that makes our job more productive. A new parenting technique, that will probably not work tomorrow.

But, here are some of the things that I’ve learned thus far of being a dad.
1) I am not my father.
2) I am not perfect, but my boys still love me just the same.
3) That during the day, I often wonder what they are doing when I am at work.
4) That they have really learned a lot thus far, walking, talking, eating, wanting to be more independent, etc.
5) That I do not know if I will ever be satisfied in what I am able to provide financially for the boys and my family in general?
6) And probably the most important thing that I can do, is love my boys unconditionally.

I realize that this is only a small list of things that I’ve learned over the last year, but I have a lifetime to learn and more importantly, learn from my mistakes.