That Smell

Usually when you think of soon to be 4 year old boys and you use the phrase, that smell, you think of something completely different and usually you hear giggles after hearing it too.  But last night was not the case, because when I walked into the boys room, that smell that hit me, I knew immediately, someone got sick.

I think that our house got hit with a small stomach bug, because one of the boys got sick on Saturday night, my other son got sick on Sunday night and my wife got sick this morning. But what is odd, is that smell of the boys getting sick, did not bother me. And I always remember my mom telling me, that when it is your own kid, the smell, the grossness, etc. just doesn’t matter, you work past it.  And maybe my mom was right?

But that smell did hit me as I was cleaning sheets and clothes at 1 a.m. this morning and though it wasn’t a great smell, I was able to get my son out of bed, cleaned and redressed without him really waking up.