
Terrible twos have have nothing on the trying threes.

It is funny, because Baby A is throwing fits at the drop of a hat now. Screaming when he gets mad. And Baby B, he is just a chilled out kid.

But, what I’ve had to realize is that how I responded to the boys at the age of 2 when they misbehaved and how I have to respond now, is different. The boys are more mobile, can communicate with me regarding what is wrong and why they are upset. So, as they change in responding, so must I. It is my job not just to tell them that they did something wrong, but explain to them why it was wrong and what the consequences are for that behavior.

I love watching the boys grow up, I love watching them engage with my wife and myself in conversation and be able to share with us what is wrong. I really love that they are developing their own little personalities. But with that, comes the sometimes trying threes because they are only three and they are still learning and growing and trying to feel their way into the world.

Terrible twos and now the trying threes, bring it on. I’m ready to teach my boys how to grow up and deal with life. Face challenges and overcome them. Laugh when sometimes they just want to cry. Life isn’t fun and I guess that we are facing that with the trying threes.

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