
Kids need structure as much as the parents do and for the exact same reasons.

Kids need the routine, the routine of going to bed, naps, eating, etc. It builds structure in their lives and structure that will guide them throughout their lives.
But parents also need the structure as well, to ensure that their children are well rested, going to bed on time, etc.

I always have a problem when I go out and see a family with little kids eating at 9pm and the kids can barely hold their heads up from being tired. They need structure.

We have a set routine that we have found to work for us:

Wake up – 6am – 7am
1st changing and Milk – after they wake up
Breakfast – 8:45 – 9am
Juice/Water – 11:30am
Lunch – 12:30
Nap – 1 – 3pm
Milk/Juice – 5pmDinner – 7pm
Bed – 8pm

Structure. The kids know the pattern. They know that when they are finished eating, that they play for a few minutes, we change them and they goto bed. They sit in their cribs and play or chat or even flip through books, but they know that the lights are off and it is also time to goto sleep.

For the exact same reason that it is good for kids, it helps parents also to plan their nights as well. My wife and I know that we have 8 – 10pm each night as our time. Our time to talk, connect, watch tv, and eat dinner. That is our time. And we know that we can almost count on each night, having that time alone.

It is important to have structure for both the parents and kids, because in the end, it will make things run a lot smoother.


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