
For the record, I’m not Catholic, I am a Methodist, but I have to admit, what I have seen and read about the current Pope, I would consider converting to the Catholic Church. This is just one of many stories that have brought me to stop what I was doing and just stand in amazement regarding his blessing a man that was disfigured.  And here is another great story about how he turned a Mansion into a Soup Kitchen.

I point these out because all too often we get wrapped up in the season, we get wrapped up in our daily lives and we forget about those  that have less than we do. If the disfigured man approached you, would you bless or pray over him? Let alone touch and kiss him?

If you had a mansion, would you turn it into a soup kitchen so that those without could come and eat? Break bread with others? Share in fellowship? Weren’t we called to serve others?  And not when it is convenient,  but I think more so when it is hard.  It takes us out of our comfort zone and challenges us. Again, I am not a Catholic, but I have a lot of respect for Pope Francis. And as we get closer to Thanksgiving and a time of reflection, I know that I could do more and should do more for those without. I should help those that are asking for money on the street. What if it were Jesus asking for money, would you turn him away? Aren’t we love one another? And I think for the first time, especially in mainstream media, Pope Francis is doing that.

And who doesn’t love a Pope wearing a clown nose?

So I challenge you, who can you help that is less fortunate?

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