New Day

Today marks a new day. Today is the first day of a new start. A new beginning to the future.

I went to work with a full meal that we had planned over the weekend, so I had a healthy lunch and not junk. My wife and I worked out when I got home. Granted, I’m fighting a sinus infection, so I was limited and really felt like crap. I’ll go home today and work out again, even though I still feel like crap.

I’m down 3.4 lbs since yesterday and yes, I’m aware that it isn’t healthy and nor is it good to look everyday at your weight.

But more importantly, my wife and I had a great conversation about our future. We have a plan for debt. We have a plan for continued weight loss. We have a plan for our future and for the first time, I feel that we are really on the same page.

Today is a new day!


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Today marked a new day in the life of not only my boys, but mine as a father.  Today, the boys started a new daycare. And for those that missed out on that story, you can read part of it here, as since the majority of that story is personal and private for the daycare provider.

But over the weekend, we took the boys to get a lunch box and last night we got them to help us pack their lunch for today and they were beyond excited. I really think that just simple as simple as letting them help pack their lunch, made a HUGE difference in the transition of the new daycare/pre-K school. And then this morning, both boys were up early, they dressed themselves and were ready to leave, well before I had my first cup of coffee and the entire time, I kept wondering if the shoe was going to drop and one or both were going to freak out.

Around 8am this morning, we made the 3 mile drive, went in and got them checked in, talked with their teacher and the boys actually hugged us and told us to leave. I was tearing up and they are kicking us out the door. A new day in the lives of our boys. Today they walked into a new daycare/school for the first time and immediately started making new friends. My whole day, I’ve been on pins and needles waiting to hear how the day went.

A new day is coming to an end and another first is behind us. This new daycare is really going to prepare the boys for kindergarten, help them learn how to write and both boys are starting to show a interest in learning how to read. Our last daycare was an in home and we all loved the that environment and the lady that took care of our sons and we are very grateful for the time that we had with her. We are also very sad that she was shut down and especially for the reasons that it lead up to it. But we are also hopeful that this new daycare will prepare the boys and give them a head start to their next year in school.

Today, was a new day.

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