Kid Talk

I love going home and having conversations with the boys. The tell me about their day at school, what they did, playing with their friends and usually what they ate for lunch. To see how they get excited over playing ball with a friend is just awesome.

I just never knew having twin three year old boys could be this much fun! And as they are growing up, and conversations change, it is getting even better. They are able to tell me what they want to eat each night for dinner, clothes that they want to wear for bedtime.

With the transition to a new daycare, one thing that I’ve really noticed is that Baby B is really starting to come out of shell and talk more. He is having more and more conversations with his brother and us for that matter. He is now being forced to talk more, which has been great.  He is now asking for things that he would never do and talking about playing and sharing. But to be able to listen to the conversations between the boys is truly the best. Baby B will grab their coats and let his brother know that he has his coat that he is ready to go home now.

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