Give Tuesday

I only recently became aware of Give Tuesday (search on Twitter for #givetuesday ) and I’m really glad that I read the article & found out about.

Give Tuesday is all about giving back to your kids, but especially Giving Time, because our time is so precious and is something that all of our kids want.

I’m fortunate to have two great boys, that I love spending time with them, so for Give Tuesday is just another day.  But I am going to do one thing different for Give Tuesday and that is, when I walk in the door, my phone is going away. I want to make sure that I give my sons 100% of my time and attention. We’ll grab dinner on the way home and I’ll sit together and talk and laugh. But no distractions. Just my time and my time with them.

So make this Give Tuesday not just a one day event, but the beginning of an everyday event.


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