
Today has been a day of frustrations. I have worked over 9 hours, which was 9 hours more than I wanted to work today.  I worked last night for 3 hours and was up at 6 am this morning to make additional updates on a corporate website. And then throughout the day I would make updates and with each update, the frustrations would mount.

What I realized throughout my day was that was that I am doing things that I wasn’t intending to do. Meaning, I wasn’t planning on doing additional work on the weekends, but somehow, I am. And the frustrations mounted.

Years ago, I swore that I wouldn’t take time away from the boys and today, I did. I took their time away to update a corporate website and it hit me and it hit me hard. I’ve really tried to make an effort not to allow my work to take away my time with the boys and it has. So as I type this blog post ,the boys are asleep and I think, that after 9 hours of work this weekend and that is just Friday night into Saturday, that I’ve gotten the majority of the updates completed.

But as I was rocking the boys and trying to keep my frustrations at bay, Baby A started singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, somehow made today better.

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