Drop Off

My wife has been out of town the last 5 days, so the Kid drop off and pickup has fallen on me. It is hard being the only parent, I really have no idea how single parents do it full time.

Just for the last few days, I’ve had to adjust my wake up time, get ready myself, then get the kids ready and then head out the door for the kid drop off at daycare. Is it hard? Sure. But it is also rewarding. I love my time with the boys. I love being able to talk with them about all the things that they can do that day. I love getting them excited about school, because for me, it makes the kid drop off that much easier, for me.

Transitions are hard. They are hard on the kids, they are hard on the parents. We have to make sure that we are ok as well when we leave the kids, as the caregivers will be taking care of them for the day. It is scary pulling away from the drive way. It is hard when the kids are crying. But it is also really rewarding picking them up in the afternoon. To have them run full steam and grab onto my legs. I love hearing all the things that they did at school. The activities, the things that they did with their friends, etc.

Today’s kid drop off was better than yesterday. Today, Baby B made it in, took his coat off and his shoes off and put them up against the wall. He hugged and kissed me goodbye, as his brother gave me a highfive and ran to play. Baby B has always struggled more with transitions, but today I was able to make it out the door and into the drive way before he cried.

It broke my heart, especially today and I don’t know why? The kid drop off is probably one of the hardest parts of my day and picking them up at night is without a doubt the best. So here is hoping that tomorrows kid drop off is a little easier.

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