
The word for today kids is accountability!

According to the dictionary, Accountability can be simply defined as the following:

the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions
Merriam Webster Dictionary

So, what is the importance of accountability today you ask? It is very simple, I realized a few things over the weekend and the biggest was that when I’m not tracking the foods that I eat and the drinks that I consume, I put on weight.  So, starting today, I’ve asked a buddy of mine to hold me accountable to making sure that each day I update my food, as that is the fastest way that I’m going to lose my next 40 pounds. But it isn’t just with weight loss, I realized that I was not doing other things the way that I needed to and it is just good knowing that someone can help me stay focused and on track.

But accountability is really a bigger thing than just getting called out for skipping a meal or drinking 2 beers and going over my calorie intake for the day. It is really about the relationship and trust between two or more people so that they can be honest and keep you focused and in line.  And as fathers, I think that we need this. I think that we need someone, ideally other dad’s or friends that know and can relate to what we need and where we are in our lives to help us. It is good to be able to bounce ideas off of one other, what works for their kids, might work for mine. Guys don’t like to admit that they are wrong or failed, we don’t like to admit that we screwed up and aren’t perfect and Lord knows, we don’t like to ask for help. But the reality is simple, we need it. And sometimes, we need that accountability from someone that isn’t our spouse!

Accountability is a powerful thing and to be able to trust someone and know that they have your back, is an awesome thing.




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