Super Tuesday

Today, which is referred to as Super Tuesday, marks one of the largest primary days for the upcoming Presidential election and there are some key battleground states that could really determine who the Republican Presidential nominee is going to be.

Virginia – Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are on the ballets, and with 46 delegate votes at stack, Mitt Romney should be able to take this state pretty easily.

Ohio – According to many polls (Real Clear Politics) – Mitt Romney has a slight edge. And if you follow politics, Ohio is always a key state, because usually whichever way Ohio goes, so goes the party that gets the White House.  But, Rick Santorum, who had been leading Ohio in previous weeks, is still within the margin of area.

Tennessee – This state is always tricky, because this is one of the few southern states that Mitt Romney has a good shot at winning. According to Real Clear Politics, Rick Santorum has a slight 2.6 point favor over Mitt Romney.

The New York Times does a great job of breaking out the number of delegates that are in play and how close some of the races truly are, especially Tennessee.  Super Tuesday this year is taking on a new look, as it is truly showing the division between the Republican party and the uncertainty of who will be the nominee to run against President Obama.