Speech Therapy

It is amazing how even just a little bit of help from speech therapy and the difference that it is making.  Baby B had his 3rd session this past week and the therapist was really pleased with his progress thus far.

In just the past 2 weeks since Baby B’s last speech therapy session, he has said the words “Shoe” when he picks up his shoes, the word “Bear” when he sees a bear on the ipad and “please”. He is also making great eye contact and clapping for himself when he does something after we praise him.  The speech pathologist even mentioned yesterday that he might even be caught up to where he needs to be within 6 months. That being said, I think that that is very ambitious, but still, progress.

God love this kid. He just looks at you and smiles and your heart melts. His brother is into everything, but Baby B, just goes with the flow. Lives life at his own pace.