
Priorities change, day to day. They can change hour to hour even, let alone, year to year.

Somewhere in the last few weeks, I realized this and the importance of priorities. They went from what was important for me, and more specifically, a piece of paper, to realizing how much I needed to spend more time with my family.

I need them, as much as they need me.

Growing up, I wasn’t a priority for a my father. His career came first. His priorities, came before me. And interestingly in a conversation, he told me that my kids wouldn’t remember things when they are older from today, yet I remember the feeling that I had 30 years ago when he decided to work late instead of taking me to a basketball game.

I need to be able to throw baseball with my son. I need to be able to play Legos with my other son. I need to be there for my wife. I don’t need to be spending 20 – 30 hours a week on my masters.

Priorities, they are crucial as a father and recognizing how they change and how we react to them changing.