Potty Training

There are a few topics in life, that 1) I know little about and 2) that I thought that I would never have to discuss and one of those is potty training.

We are 1 week into potty training the boys and thus far, we have had a lot of success. Both boys have been really interested in potty training and thus far only 1 accident.
I will be first to admit, I’ve not read 1 sing book or blog post on what to do and what to expect, I give my wife 100% credit for spear heading this project. All the way down to
the boys getting 2 M&Ms for each time that they pee on the potty. And when I heard that they were getting the M&Ms, I didn’t think for one minute that they would be excited
about the candy, but boy was I wrong.

So, now with almost 2 weeks down of potty training, I think that we are off to a good start.