A Little Sober

This past Friday night, my wife and I went to her Christmas party and we had decided that I would be the DD so that my wife could have a good time and have fun with her co-workers. Somewhere during the night, I started thinking back to a song that I heard previously this week by Edwin McCain and the song is called “Sorry I’m a Little Sober“. The verse that kept going through my head was:

Sorry, I’m a little sober
In the morning I’ll be nursing and cursing
My clarity hangover

I kept wondering, how many in this room are going to wake up tomorrow with a hangover? How many are going to wake up tomorrow tomorrow with a headache and more importantly, regrets?  My biggest issue is that I’m going to have a clarity hangover and grateful that I was sober.  Sure, I still will have a beer or a glass of wine, but right now, I’m enjoying just being a little sober and seeing things in different ways. Now, I realize that this sounds a little like I have a drinking problem and that isn’t the case at all. At most, I would have a drink a night, maybe 2 during a game. But I am seeing that being sober in a different way though and to me, sober isn’t just with drinking, but life. I

I am using this time of being sober and my clarity hangover to focus on the important things, working out, losing weight, my kids, being a better dad, etc. As of yesterday I have lost 11 pounds in a month! I don’t know that I would have been as focused on this 3 months ago. Maybe I wasn’t thinking clearly because of work? Stress of life? Kids? But today I am focused. I am thinking clearly and more focused and determined on what really matters the most in life.