Life Lessons from my friends

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been asking my friends for life lessons that would give themselves when they were 18 or 21 based off of what they know today. I have to say, one important life lesson, pick your friends that have a close value and moral compass as you do, because their responses were not much different than what I have shared with you both.

Here are a few examples of life lessons that they shared:

  • Take your education more seriously in high school. And realize the impact that it will have for your future both with college and your career path.
  • Consider doing a job that you want to do, not settle for what you have to for financial reasons.
  • Talk with your parents more and listen to their advice, head their warnings and learn from their experiences.
  • Travel and learn about the world and people that live there.
  • Form your own opinions and don’t relay on others to tell you what and how to think.
  • Think about your retirement today! Save as much as you can today, so that you can retire and enjoy your life.
  • Do not pass up an opportunity!
  • Learn from every experience, good or bad!
  • Do not be afraid to think outside of the box.
  • You don’t have to be drunk or high to have fun!
  • Call your mother often.
  • Do not hold back and ignore the opinions of others.

I’ll add a few more of my life lessons as well:

  • Life is not fair, realize that now. It makes it easier to handle things as you grow older.
  • Focus on the positives in life, if you focus your attention on the negative things, it will only drag you down.
  • Find 5 really close guy friends, trust them and they trust you. Form a friendship that you can talk with them about anything from money to women to cars to sports and any and everything. Trust me on this one.
  • As stated earlier, save as much as you can. And hire a really good financial planner. Lucky for you, I’ve already got you one. But make sure that you listen to their advice and guidance when it comes to money.
  • Do not get sucked into credit card debt. Like quick sand, it is easy to fall into and really hard to get out of it when you are in the pit.
  • Find the love of your life and when you do and you will know, don’t let her go!
  • Trust your gut instinct, rarely will it lead you astray.
  • Spend time with your grandparents and family.
  • Find a hobby that you enjoy doing.
  • Remember that at night when you go to bed, when you drop your pants, you drop your worries.

As I write then out, I wish that i had done many of these things, especially as it pertains to spending time with family and saving for your future.