Guys Weekend

My wife quietly informed me that she and some friends were going to be doing a girls knitting weekend. My first though Guys Weekend! Seriously, I can’t wait.

Not really sure what we are going to do yet? Park, weather permitting, maybe hit the aquarium downtown, not sure what else? Probably throwing burgers and hotdogs on the grill. But here is what I do know, we are going to have a lot of fun.

Being a Dad, there is no greater feeling in this world. Guys weekend, sure it is harder because it is just me for 2 days with the little guys, but it is doable. I truly have a blast with my boys and love every minute of it.

So many dad’s miss out on the little things, like Dr’s appointments, guys weekends, etc. Not me. I want to do it all. Over zealous, sure. But there is nothing better than the relationships that I’ve been able to start developing with my boys. The hugs that I get before bedtime. The quiet thank yous for cooking them dinner. Them constantly asking for my Bacon Pizza. Or my favorite, when they whisper “I love you daddy” in my ear. Ah, gets me every time.

Bring on Guys Weekend and bring on the fun.