
I have struggled with the thought of gratitude lately. Not for the logical reasons, but I think because of just life.

Let me start off by saying, I am grateful. I am grateful for my family, and for the life that we have. I am grateful for healthy kids. I am grateful that we have a roof over our heads at night and food in our cabinets. I am grateful, that very soon, we will be debt free.

I am grateful.

But, I sometimes find it hard to stop and find the gratitude in things. Sunsets. Sunrises. Listening to the birds at night. Hugging my kids. Kissing my wife.

I am trying to stop and notice more. I’m trying to take the moments to have gratitude, even when I struggle finding it. Because in all reality, I/we are truly blessed.

Today, 2 years ago, I lost my grandfather, one of my best friends. A man that taught me so much about life. Living. Focus on the important things and people and not to waste time on the rest. I am grateful for him. And I miss him everyday.