
I think one of the hardest things about being a parent, is how exhausted you can become. Lack of sleep, work problems, home problems, everyday life, etc. and it can just take a lot out of you.

The difference I think, is now not how exhausted you become, but how as a father we handle it. This morning, I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep and all I wanted to do was go back to bed. I had rocked Baby A at some point because he had a nightmare, I was exhausted, my wife did not get off work until really late, and both boys were cranky.

I had two options, get frustrated or put into perspective that they are little kids trying to figure out life and how to respond and deal with things themselves.  And as my demeanor changed, so did the boys. They went from being cranky to sitting on the sofa and drinking their milk and as I sipped on my first morning cup of coffee, I became more relaxed.

Was I still exhausted, absolutely.  But I had to respond and hoped to set a good example. But being exhausted is hard with little kids. I have so much respect for single parents.