Eric Cantor

For the first time in history a Majority Speaker of the House of Representatives has been defeated. House Speaker, Republican Eric Cantor was beaten by a virtual unknown. HUGE would be an understatement, to a point.

I’ll be the first to admit, I looked at the numbers a few weeks ago and figured that Eric Cantor had the race in the bag. But, something is at bay here, it isn’t a Republican Party vs. Tea Party as the media is making this race out to be. But instead I believe that that there is a great movement at hand and that is very simply this. I believe that the American people are getting fed up with our current direction with our country.

Our unemployment is at record highs and again, take a few minutes to not only see how unemployment is calculated but more importantly the real numbers.  The American people are concerned about the future of our jobs that are being outsourced, high taxes, immigration and big government.

Was Eric Cantor just the first of many changes in the upcoming races? I don’t know, but my guess is yes! I think that there is a growing concern that the government is trying to make more and more citizens dependent on the Federal Government. I don’t know that the Tea Party movement was the driving force behind Eric Cantor’s loss, as much as it was a vote against the current establishment.

As my boys grow up and I hope that they follow politics like I do, Eric Cantor’s defeat tonight might be a very historic moment.