
Celebrities are just like each and everyone of us, within reason. But over the past year, I have been able to introduce either one or both of my son’s to celebrities and it has been a blessing and a curse.

First, the blessing. With my job, I have been fortunate to be able to work closely with a former Major League Baseball player, who as a kid, I watched. And, I was also able to introduce one of my son’s to a 4 time Grammy Award winning musician this past year as well.

The cool part of this, is that these are both people that I have met throughout the years and worked with one, but also got to hang out with them and know them personally.

The bad part about this is that I have already been asked who the next celebrity that they get to meet? This is not the behavior that I am looking for when we create these opportunities for our kids.

I was not raised to expect things and I don’t want my kids to think that it is ok to expect certain things. My wife and I have been very fortunate, that we have good jobs and have been able to provide these opportunities to my kids. I just don’t want them to expect things.