November 2018

Sometimes in life, things get to be a little overwhelming. I just got through a major project at work, which was both challenging and rewarding. But, it made me MIA (missing in action) from my family.

To say that it has been a struggle internally for me to be so busy at work and also mentally away from my family has been brutal on me. I’ve come home some nights in time to put the boys to bed. I’ve answered questions as to why I have been at work so much.

Now, that the project is done, I hope to be able to take a few days off. Rest. Relax and gain some new perspective on work.

I say that, but the reality is that because of my role within the organization, I have more visibility than ever before and have more pressure than ever before. There are pros and cons to that too.

If share nothing else with my boys, I hope that they see my hard work ethic and the way that I treat my team. I hope that they see that I treat even the most entry level employee, as one of the most valuable members of our organization.

I hope that they see that I make certain sacrifices for them, so that they will continue to have a better life, than I did as a child. I hope that they see how much I want them to understand the importance of how truly blessed that they are.

Being MIA is hard, even for a short period of time. But being there for my boys, means everything to me and it is time to make sure that they know and understand that. Even though they see me walk in and change and then put them to bed, before even I eat dinner.

Today, that all changes.

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