May 2016

It’s that time of the year, were families start planning or in my case, taking a family vacation. We decided to do a early vacation this year, instead of our traditional trip to the beach in September.

So tonight, we load up and head to a hotel about 45 miles away, spend the night and in the morning, we are taking the boys not only their first flight, but their first trip to Disney World!

So for the next week, the family and I’ll be on vacation and enjoying a week away and making memories.


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Happy Mothers Day to all the mom’s out there.

To my wife, thank you being a wonderful mom to the boys and making sure that they are taken care of.

To my mom, there are no words. You are have been my biggest support and sounding board and I don’t know what I would do without you?

To my sister, thank you for being a great mom to my niece and nephew.

And to all the moms that wear both the mother and father hat, there are no words. You are the best and there are not enough words that can be used to say it.

But to all the moms, Happy Mothers Day!

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Not something that I have had in probably 35 years, but this week I was fortunate to end up with Pink Eye. None of my kids had it, but apparently with sinus infections this year, pink eye has been part of it.

Being sick is really hard, but being sick as a parent, in my opinion is even harder. Because, it isn’t just having to take care of yourself to get better, it is also having to take care of kids and making sure that they are ok.  I’m beyond grateful for our medical system that was able to help the process to get me better, not only from the pink eye, but also the sinus infection.

Here’s to hopefully having a restful weekend and getting better.

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