April 2016

Looks like, after a solid week of sick kids, one having surgery and just an all out crazy week of life, it looks like things are finally on the mends.

Life is crazy enough without the outside factors. Our lives are all busy and we are all trying to juggle, but part of the juggling requires downtime too. We can only go but so hard and so fast before we fail too.

I’m really grateful that we live in an area and have access to great medical care and that the medical professionals were able to help both of my sons this past week. And as the boys and I talk about our day and at least one, if not two bike rides today, I’m just really glad that both of them are on the mends.

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What a week this has been. Ups and Downs. Frustration and gratitude. This has truly been a week.

Both boys have been out of school and completely off their schedules. Boy A had a dental procedure yesterday, which required a trip to the hospital and to be placed under anesthia. As a parent, there is nothing more concerning or more frightening than seeing your child carted off by strangers and hoping and praying that everything goes well.

But it did. The Dr and nurses took great care of him and once he was awake, he was a happy little boy, sleepy, but happy. And for the first time that day, I was able to breathe easily.

Now, for Boy B. He was taken to the local urgent care on Saturday because of a high fever and white spots on his tonsils. He was diagnosed and treated for Strep Throat, which he has had several times already. But, a few days later of moderate fevers and fatigue, we took him into his pediatrician and they decided to run blood work for Mono. That’s right, Mono.

And, based on the call from his Dr yesterday, even though they were waiting on one more test to come back, he was 99% sure that he did in fact have Mono. Who knew that kids could get it? Well, apparently a lot of kids under the age of 5 do.

So, what a week. We have been dealing with the impending surgery for one and fighting fevers in the other. We are grateful for the Dr’s and nurses that have taken care of both of our kids and today, it seems that everyone is on the mends and making recoveries. Though, Boy B is taking a nap after being up for only an hour, but that is part of Mono.

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For the past 6 days, Boy B has been fighting a moderate fever. And by that, I mean it has ranged from 100 – 103 give or take. He has been really not had any other symptoms until Saturday, when we noticed that his tonsils were swollen.

He was seen at the local urgent care center and after a few dosages of medicine, he seemed to be on the mends, but at night, he would still break out into a fever of about 102. The strange thing, is that yesterday, he was fine, no fever, came home from school with a runny nose and congestion.

Not sure what is going on, but for whatever reason, he can’t fight off this fever. I just want my little buddy to feel better.

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Life has it’s ups and downs. Exciting times and struggles.

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating my birthday and my son’s birthdays, which was exciting. The boys got their first bikes and found out that we are taking them to Disney in the coming weeks.

But the flip to that, is that I found out that a good friend was diagnosed with Leukemia. My commute was long. And my first day back in almost a week, has gone less than stellar. Just one bump after another and apparently there was a rumor in a different department, that I had quit.

So, it hasn’t been the ideal day, but that is life. Life is about not the obstacles that we are faced with, but how we choose to respond and deal with them.

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With us moving, my morning commute has taken a dramatic increase in time on the road. From a mileage stand point, it is only about 15 miles more one way, but from a time stand point, it is adding about 20 – 40 minutes longer.

But, as I was driving this morning and was on the phone with my mom, I was explaining the length of my commute and the added stress, but then stopped and begin talking about the benefits of the move.  This move has already within just a few days, proven to be beneficial. The boys and I have eaten dinner out every night this week thus far on the deck. We have played tagged after dinner and then had plenty of time to rest up before bath and bed.

Life has been a lot better over the course of the last few days. I’ve slept better not having to worry or deal with some of the things that were going on at our, now old house. My sons seem to be a lot happier. They are able to run and play. They have already made a new friend next door. So yeah, the commute really sucks. But, the trade off is so much better.

And really, at the end of the day, all that matters is my family’s safety. And maybe, when they are older and if they remember the old house, I’ll share with them why we really moved. But then again, maybe I want? Because would it really matter?

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Tonight is the last night in our townhouse and though leaving is a really great thing, it is a little bittersweet.  The boys have a basic understanding that we are moving tomorrow, but the reality that they are leaving the only home that they have ever known, seems a little daunting for them.


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