May 2013

When does it end? The boys have now turned two and have been alternating fevers and their hands shoved in their mouths.

I hate seeing the boys suffer, because they have to be in pain. And with a fever, they aren’t feeling like themselves.

I am just ready for the teething to end.

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I realized last night that my boys each have a security blanket and it is the exact same stuffed bunny rabbit. They each sleep with their rabbit and travel with their rabbit and if we don’t have their security blankets, they are a mess.

So, what is your security blanket?  Is it money? Is it a possession? Is it a person?

This is something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. But, as my mother reminded me this past weekend, I still have a furry dog that my uncle Danny gave me the day that I was born. But now, it sits in my boys room.

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